Monday, August 27, 2012

19. B

your body
was a box of bones
on the bed beside me

and I lay there
letting these b-words roll off of my tongue
while other b-words joined along
like bitch
when you were particularly turned on or
particularly angry
and babe and boo
when you were particularly sweet and
breakfast baths bourbon barton springs bedtime
when we were particularly we
in that way only we could be and
breast balls bite butt back
and other b-words uttered in moaning breaths

and we had had seven years together
and you treated me bad for four of them
and I treated you bad for two of them
but I think we figured we had finally made it babe.

but then some geographical distance got between us
and then some real distance got between us
and no b-words were spoken because
you didn’t have the time
or the energy because you stumbled upon a b-word
you thought was exclusive to you – busy
and maybe you felt the seven-year itch cause you hadn’t shit on me in awhile

but we were back where we had started
except for I wasn’t 15 anymore
and I was particularly angry
and we were not we
and you were not you
and you were not there,
and so someone else said those b-words to me
and then all of those b-words
created the one b-word with just too many b’s

and it was yours but you felt it could've been his
but it doesn't really matter
because then I wasn’t your baby
or your babe or your boo
and we tried to make it work

but then some other b-words were uttered in moaning breaths
when we were particularly angry
like betrayal and break up
and then the words stopped rolling and started flying –
words that don’t even needs b’s to sting
like I fucking hate you sometimes
and can’t you just keep your fucking legs closed
and I wish you would fuck someone else too so you could stop pretending to be such a goddamn saint.

so we spent one last night together
as silly ex-lovers often do
reaching for a lovely memory
to remind us of all the lovely memories
and cling onto them with hope

but we had run out of b-words
and we had run out of eachother’s reach
and no matter how we clung onto each other
there was nothing lovely there,
and there was no hope.

and your bones and your breathing were heavy beside me
and I would have cried
if I thought it would have done any good.

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